Apply for the Summer!

Are you interested in learning about art and social justice?

Want to create meaningful artistic work connected to the issues in your community? This summer Urbano will be offering two classes focusing on media. Summer will be the first term of our annual theme and our teaching artists have prepared curricula modeled on college-level courses for students to explore The Commons | The Other.

This is a paid and competitive opportunity, apply here!
Deadline: June 24th

//Class A

Through the Lens of Resistance: Youth Activism and Media

Teaching Artist: Aly Kreikemeier

Mondays (2-6PM), Wednesdays (2-6PM)

Mass media more often than not misrepresents communities in a way that perpetuates inequality and negative stereotypes. This class will develop critical media literacy through learning about how media operates, the role that media plays in inequality, and gaining the skills for students to produce their own media that talks back to dominant representations. We will work together as researcher-artists to produce our own stories and to develop the skills and tools to challenge stereotypes in the mass media. We will work with photography, interviews, digital media and story and have the opportunity to publish a website, visual story or written paper about our experiences in conjunction with the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

//Class B

Cinema Tech 1.0: Space, Light, and Sound

Teaching Artist: Darren Alexander Cole

Tuesdays (2-6PM), Thursdays (2-6PM)

This course explores “the other” via Space, light, and Sound. Using technology, media, and research, students develop strategies to engage society as civic futurist designers that want to market positive change locally and globally. The artist will work with the students to develop an overarching project that allows for the different areas of research presented by the students. Students will learn how to use time-based media, social media design, hardware, software, data, materiality, crowd sourcing, montage, and assemblage. Moreover, students will gain practical skills in video production. Visiting professionals will also provide workshops to students on a range of skills related to the creative process in time-based media.